Update for the indifferent...

Mar 07, 2007 09:43

...or those of you that care.

So my second date was canceled this weekend due to the Plague (okay, a stomach bug but I like melodrama). So instead I found myself at 
primalucem's birthday party-slash-Larp. I had a very good time, got to play a cool character and save the day (well, mostly) and eat, drink and be merry. Granted, it was a slightly overdone plot-line but done very well for a last minute set-up. Thanks, D! Happy Damn Birthday!

On Sunday I pulled an Errand-a-rama or Errand-a-go-go or Errandpalooza (I think you get the point) and found out that the laundromat nearby is open 24 hours (W00t!).

Back to the work week and here we are at Hump Day already. Almost through another one. I went to check out the NY Daily News website like I do every morning and what do I see? A story about how Capt. America is being killed off. All I can think is that this must be a stunt and on some corny comic geek level "Oh NOEZ! The country NEEDS him right now."

Then the mostly rational part of me reminds that other part that he's ONLY A  FREAKIN' COMIC BOOK CHARACTER!!!

And that's about it for now. Nothing else to see here.
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