Best thing Ever

Oct 20, 2010 16:13


Includes 大阪弁、京都弁、博多弁、死語、武士語 and more!

Also, I keep forgetting to mention this, but my Middlemarch book on tape shizzy had about 13 different people reading it. It was like no one could read more than 5 chapters of it at a time. Most of the people were from Britain or Ireland, including a guy who sounded like Sean Connery, an old woman who was very Salad Fingers-esque, a woman with a delightful brogue, a girl who was reminiscent of Mary Bennett, and a guy who sounded like a stand-in for the SAM crew when he was in his normal voice, and had echoes of Little Kuriboh's Tea impression when he sped up and pitched his voice for the female lines. My favorite though was this Indian woman they pulled out of nowhere, who would read things with a very intense attention to keeping a rapid pace.

random, link

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