So yesterday was quite a bit of fun. Katey B accompanied me up to Cassie's grad party which was fun times. It included the staples of awesome party having, including cookies, ziti, sandwiches, and deviled eggs, and we hung out for awhile talking about all manner of things like which Pokemon game generation is the best (2 to 1 says the original series...though all of us are too lazy to EV train) and how we should replay FFIX because it's unloved yet awesome. We also had a heated debate over whether or not the original white mage from the first Final Fantasy was a dude or chick, but we decided that I was correct in assuming the former.
As always, Cassie clued me in to several hilarious online stuffs:
Que Hora Es? Raptors in da Hood Shamisen Hero! (I want to make a parody commercial for shamisen hero...anyone interested in helping please say so)
After we got back, Matt met us here and Jaime joined our party to hit up P.F. Chang's for dinner. It was delicious and Matt even conquered the Great Wall of Chocolate. He had plans with Connor and so headed back to Delaware after we finished our fruitless search for the Dollhouse Murders a.k.a. Secrets in the Attic. Instead, Jaime, Kate and I watched A Knight's Tale until we were too tired to go on.
Today is a day for relaxing and seeing Meg later when she gets back from D.C.
Also, I made some more icons. I was going to use the small ones for my AIM profile, but you can't exceed 8kb which blows when you're trying to make something cool. Also, the Tokyo icons, with the exception of the bakery, are all from my own photos.
50 x 50
I downloaded a bunch of new fonts for these, and was rather amused by the phases I seem to go through in font downloads. When I first started downloading custom fonts, I wanted stuff that looked like famous brand-name stuff. Then I went through a period where I would scoop up all the comic text ones I could find, followed by a lust for handwritten fonts. After that came big, blocky texts, and now I'm down for barely legible script. What's next? Dingbats? Serif? Who knows.