Friday grumping:
1. Dear damn awful gut problems, I would like to be able to eat a small cupcake without going from zero to TERRIBLE CRAMPING within about four steps. (That was Sunday, but I am still mad. 'Cannot safely go out in public' is a level of disability I'm not willing to just roll with.)
2. How is it that I am in a position where having to pull together a complete fellowship application in two weeks is the course I prefer?!
3. Can I please just not be low-grade sick ALL the time? I would like a break.
4. I have to go to a wedding tomorrow, with humans, some of whom have opinions about my relationship with Wim. I have to wear clothes, and shoes, and that doesn't even sound like fun. And I got mail this morning saying I was sitting at a table with no one I know.
5. I want someone to tell me what to do. I won't accept someone telling me what to do.
Friday happiness:
1. M-pig is there for me in text.
2. Awesomely sent emails I needed to send although they took WORK and were SCARY. Really, this is terrifying in almost every aspect: large investment of effort at a time I feel well below my best, entirely likely that the grant wouldn't be awarded, would have to move far away with cats, PI will almost certainly be upset (but if we can work through it at least it might be good), I am asking people to do inconvenient things for me (actually to our mutual benefit though?), WHAT ARGH DECISIONS generally. But I did it.
3. I escaped a meeting with relatively little additional work assigned to me! Still some, but I successfully shunted some away.
4. Book store re bate. The specific books I was after weren't in, but I got new Eleanor Arnason!
5. Brain fog is definitely clearing: yay competence! And my mood is enough improved that swanning around with my goldfish umbrella and flirting with the Babeland clerk made me downright bouncy.
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