how you know you're an american trying to surivive in the DR

Sep 28, 2006 17:22

All of the following are true, but not all are mine:
You pondered the worst place to sweat extensively.
The roaches ate your pepto tablets and crapped in your drawer.
You crave papaya smoothies, plantains and rice/habichuelas.
you lock your closet.
you can tell when the power goes out by the sound the fan makes on the generator.
you now speak spanglish though you didn't before.
you've been hit in the face with an injection that went through the newborn's arm while pretending to be med students in the public hospital.
you've been told by the security guard not to cross your legs while in the library group study lounge.
it no longer really bothers you to walk by 6ish security guards with automatic rifles on your walk through campus.
you pay 10 pesos to ride in a piece of crap car with 6 other people.
you've felt ripped off when over charged 30 cents.
you've been called mamacita, rubia, americana and other names you wouldn't care to mention all in one day.
you draw more attention wearing a poncho then those people wearing grocery bags on their heads.
you go to the movies to laugh at the subtitles.
you don't recognize your own hands because they are a skin color previously unknown to you.
you put on a long sleeved shirt on the one day it dropped below 75.
its 90 degrees and high humidity and its almost october.
you take a taxi everyday cause you can't walk after 7pm...
you've been asked if you're married and have children more than once in one day because you are 21.
you've pondered jumping head first into the cement university ravine in a group suicide to protest la puccm.
you've hissed back
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