Jul 30, 2007 10:27
i have three updates planned, so bear with the multiple posts on one day. i'm making up for my lack of posting, you could say...
some of you won't want to read this, as it completely pertains to my WoW playing.
akelli, the 63 level human fire mage, is moving along nicely. she's 80% of the way to level 64. i respeced her last night and got all of my talent points in fire to up my chances of dealing a massive amount of damage. because i'm a fire mage, and it's what i do. daniel's paladin, gjelnik, is completely protection spec now, which makes him a much more effective tank - he can even keep the attention of bad guys when i'm dealing between 1500 - 2000 damage with each spell. go gjelnik. we're attempting to get to level 64 tonight and finish up questing in zangarmarh and move to ... tekkolar? forest. is that what the forest is called? whatever. it's the next area of the outlands for us. tinkies, our real life friend heather's frost mage, is near the same levels as we are and in the same areas. she might be a little ahead of us, though.
malashka is my 23 level draenai warrior (i also have a tauren shaman of this name, but i've not played horde for a long long time, so he's fallen by the wayside as has my undead warlock). i really like using him, which is surprising. he's passed up azmariya (21 lvl dwarf priest) and adinaria (21 lvl night elf druid) and remains my 2nd favorite character. i think, after dealing as much damage as i do with a fire mage, a druid and priest just fall short when considering the aggressive way i play. my theory is: they can't hurt you if they're already dead. i fail when i try to shield myself and then cast smite or anything like that... if i hit them hard enough, quick enough, then they die before i do. and THAT's the way i play. my best defence is a kick-your-ass offence. so the warrior works for me, as does the mage. he's in ashenvale right now, and most of the quests are yellow (medium-difficulty) for me at my current level. which is good for experience, but not so good for avoiding the occassional death. but i like him and i think he's currently wearing something that looks suspiciously like a chain mail skirt. sexy.
and my newest and 3rd fave character would have to be ... figwit! yes, our funniest-named elf of tolkein lore had been reincarnated as a gnome warlock. he's only level 8 or so and has an imp named hazpad or something like that. too bad i can't name my own imp. my undead warlock has one named jakqua, which is neato. i haven't done much with the gnome warlock yet, but figwit has shockingly amazing pink hair and a handlebar mustache - what's not to love?! and, i've figured out, that all male gnomes sound like toulouse: the midget with a lisp (john leguizamo) in moulin rouge.
and those are my main characters, and the ones that i really like to play. i switch around playing so as to keep rested experience (double the experience when killing monsters) in effect as much as possible. because of rested experience, akelli was getting 1000+ experience with each ogre killed when running through ramparts in hellfire peninsula.
i am getting a little tired of our guild. i like the people in it, mostly, but the politics is becoming... taxing. daniel moved his level 70 frost mage to another guild, and our guild leader, in response without consulting him first, kicked every one of daniel's other characters out of the guild: a level 70 balance druid, a level 63 protection paladin, and others (a lvl 24 holy priest, and a level 30 or 40 something warrior). my response would not have been nearly as nice as his was. i would have been more outraged and said something along the lines of, "well, if you bastards don't want two very high level characters in the guild, i'll take them elsewhere." and needless to say, if daniel is no longer a part of our guild, then i'm not either and i doubt heather's characters will be either. he is no longer an officer, either. another boo on our guild. and it is, really, a very naive guild. our guildleader ranks people based on their level only. there are no special privaledges according to rank, no honors or abilties that would encourage guild members to become more involved in guild instances and things like that. with no incentive to help out guild members... why would anyone ever stop their own leveling to help someone else? and my GOD don't get me started on the asking for runs through instances. my job, as a higher level character, is NOT to play bodyguard for your level 18. please do not waste my time. do not get pissy in guild chat because a level 70 won't come and defeat the final boss of an instance for you. do it yourself or come back another day with another group. your whining does not improve my gameplay.