Jan 08, 2005 23:07
Today I went to the television land to star in a local broadcast of a show called either "Blood Potatoes make me Curdle" or "Texas State Toenail Patrol: Incognito." At least, that's what I said the show should be called. I think its either a gameshow or a soap opera.
So I'm stuck in this make-up room where they spend like fifty jillion hours putting me in a clown suit, and then they stick me in a room with 50 other guys dressed as clowns. So they film us just standing around for like a jillion billion pillion hours, and I'm like "omg wtf exclamation point dot dot dot!!!" and the director is like "this is the establishing shot! They still don't know the secret to your powers!" So I'm like "when does the hot sex donkey action start???" and he's like "I just need to film clown #47 walking into the room!!!! It won't make sense if he just APPEARS THERE!!! ARRRGH! CONTINUITY!!!!"
So after the full day of hard labor I finally got my compensation in the form of a t-shirt that says "I survived Jurassic Park The Ride." Finally! Real curancy! Now I'm rollin' on easy street with that fatty paycheck!!!
Forget Olsen Twins dvds, I can afford anything my horrible throbbing heart desires! Maybe I can finally buy that toilet made of meat! Or even the entire town... made of meat! I am JIM THE MADISON ESQUIRE! AND I AM INDESTRUCTABLE! I HAVE NO HEADD!!!!!