Oct 31, 2002 14:16
im gonna rant on people today...
so i dont even fucking understand where people come from these days. dont get me wrong, im a person, but what the fuck do people think about when they fuck somebody over?
im not sure if people plot together to see how much they can get somebody to trust them, and then they all choose a day when they can fuck that person's world up.
take me for an example... i dont really like a lot of people. i talk to plenty of them and i can deal with them, but not for too long. my patience really runs thin when i am around a lot of people, especially the ignorant ones. so anyway, ill occasionally meet a person that i can relate to or something like that, and a friendship begins. that is really good, because we all need friends, right? WRONG! nobody needs anybody.
when someone that you care a lot about tells you that they need space, what the fuck are they talking about? if you aint dating each other, then what the fuck is there to need space from? why cant girls just come out and tell you that they are sick of seeing you around or anything like that? why do they have to do this "gotta be nice" shit? if a guy has a problem with another person, we can tell them right then. why do girls like to beat the fucking bush to death? why beat around the damn thing when they can crush it and bloody tell somebody what they feel?
is it wrong to want to be friends with somebody and then maybe move into something different? i dont see anything wrong with feeling something for someone, until they decide that you arent good enough for them. i honestly think that society has fucked up the people that we are today. look at us, always worrying about some other damn country and forgetting about the poor bastards that live here. society has made standards for us, and of course, nobody can see that, and so we are duped into doing just what society deems "right".
i hear all the time about guys killing themselves for the girls that they are crazy about. you want to know why it comes to that? it is really quite simple, it comes from those goddamn mind games that girls play. rather than tell somebody no, they pull this "lemme think about it" shit. well for anybody to fucking naive to realize that means "no, not gonna think about it again, why the hell did you even mention it, no" then you deserve the heart ache.
women... guys are stupid creatures and you know this. not to mention that you use it for your advantage the majority of the time. and when the guys who are smart enough to see this manipulative bullshit, you dont give them the time of day. or you tell them that you want space.
i think that both men and women need to pull their heads out of their asses and wake up. i know men that are always changing to suit the woman of his dreams, and it often leads to problems. i know women who cheat on their boyfriends and dont even tell them about it. i know girls who dated guys for 3 years and then dump him over the phone because they couldn't work up the balls to do in front of them. why the hell does this happen? you know why guys dont stand up and say something? bc all we can think about is the pussy. women know this, and that is their most valuable weapon.
im not trying to come off as some sexist pig, but damn. the shit that goes on, do you really wonder why kids shoot up schools and people rape people and what ever else happens? society is to blame for instilling this shit in our heads. and the second that somebody speaks up, they are thrown in the proverbial room and forgotten about.
dont get me wrong, i know that guys arent innocent. i know that guys treat some women like shit, but they at least do it where the women can understand why they are doing it. the thing is that nobody knows how to survive where people are able to express themselves. there are all these "taboo" things that arent supposed to be said, and we have to be politically correct. fuck that. tell it like it is, and if nobody likes it, dont worry about it.