Oct 24, 2002 14:13
today lil childrens, lets talk about discipline.
the other day i was walking around some store, and i overheard the story about the woman who got caught on camera "disciplining" her kid. i later found out that the mom got into trouble for punishing her kid. i think that there is something wrong with that. i think that because the kids today dont get disciplined like they should, they grow up thinking that they are tough shit. well, i think that any parent should be able to punish there kid and not have some nosy asshole looking into their life. im not saying that the parents should just go out and beat their kid for the hell of it, i think that there should be a reason for it. i dont think that some jackass watching a parent beat their kid has any idea of what the kid may have done.
growing up, i heard plenty of stories of when parents could discipline their kids how they wanted. what ever happened to those days? i remember times when i would be in the grocery store and break something, and my mom would tear my ass to bits right then. and then she would be like, if you dont stop crying, ill give you something to cry for. i always would think, like you just didn't. but i never would say anything like that because i was intimidated by my mom. but that was over the second that i got to be bigger than her. and now, it is my dad who exacts the discipline.
but now a days, kids threaten to call services on their parents. what the hell is that about? unless your parents are making a punching bag out of you for nothing, you aint got no reason to threaten them.
ive seen parents beat their kids at my job. i honestly think that it is the funniest thing in the world. they hit the kid, and then look around to see if anybody is watching. shit, the comic relief of that is too much for me to handle. one time, i saw this kid hit his mom, and his dad knocked the dog shit out of him. i thought that was well deserved. but still, im sure that there are those people who see this as some kind of abuse. what about the abuse that kids give the parents? are kids allowed to do that? HELL NO!
hell, look at teachers. i vehemently believe that teachers should be allowed to beat kids in class. if a kid tells me to fuck off, im gonna hit them. i see no point to being rude to someone who is here to make your stupid ass smarter. dont get me wrong, i fucked with all of my teachers, and i still do, but i didn't disrespect them. not too much anyway. i think calling my german teacher in middle school a kike was the worst that i did. but then again, i also threw a book at another teacher. i got my ass kicked plenty of times, and i would love to see kids taught some manners.
why is it inappropriate for girls to walk around without shirts on, when guys can do it?