Apr 28, 2007 02:05
So I was driving home from berkeley, and as I was nearing the bridge on 880, I see flashing lights up ahead, so I slow down a bit, you know, bring it down to legal, but as I keep gaining on them I slow down a bit more, then a bit more, until I realize that the cop is not only going below 25 MPH, on 880, but is also weaving from side to side, to the point where it looks like he's doing some kind of slalom course, going all the way across from shoulder to shoulder and back again. I have no idea why he was doing that. Eventually he stops doing whatever he's doing, then speeds back up to something approximating normal, and shuts off his lights. A little bit later, on the side of the road, I see a second cop car that has pulled over somebody else, who's bumper is practically hanging off the car. My guess is that the first cop was running interference for the second one, but what the hell? Never seen that happen before. Strange night.