Jan 02, 2007 08:27
I don't know how it happened, but it happened. I ended up watching MTV for the new year. I haven't done that probably since I was seventeen or so.
At any rate, I saw Gwen Stefani sing something about 'keys' and 'wind me up.' It was brainless stupid pop. Didn't she used to be cool? And if not exactly cool she was at least a "punk rock chick" (although perhaps more mainstream than others). She was on a track with Sublime back in the day, and now she's yodelling.
Then I heard some pretty blonde that MTV gave a microphone (she's cute, she must be an expert on music!) talk about how '06 was such a good year for music with "Sexy Back" and new Nickelback. First, don't even get me started on Nickelback. Second, "Sexy Back" sucks. When I first heard it on the dial I thought it was a girl. Also Timberlake (yeah!) seems to join Gwen and Fergie with songs that are so obnoxious they're poppy (yeah!).
Maybe aught six wasn't so bad on music, but those aren't the names to be naming as support for your argument. Of course, it really was my fault for watching MTV.