Jul 05, 2007 21:36

Ugh.  It took me so long to fall asleep last night because it was hot and I'm a freak like that, so I didn't drift off until two am, and then at four am my sister came home from where ever and woke me up by turning on the light and getting on the computer (at four am!!!) and I COULDN'T FALL BACK TO SLEEP.  I finally got up at around five thirty to sit in the living room and read (my sister of course had fallen asleep right away) and then left a few hours later to get lots and lots of coffee.  I came back around noon and my sister was still asleep.  I think I hate her.

I took a nap in the afternoon, but I still feel like fucking crap.  And I'm mad at my sister, even though she probably won't realise it.  It's just that it's so hard for me to fall asleep sometimes.  I read, I listen to music (on my headphones, so I don't disturb my sister and because I'm a Good Person), sometimes I just lie awake and stare at the ceiling.  And my sister, who has the ability to fall asleep in a matter of minutes, ruined the precious amount of sleep I finally managed.

Ugh.  I don't think I even got any REM sleep, because when she woke me up it felt like I had just dozed off a few seconds ago, so I was left with the feeling that I didn't sleep at all.  Very unpleasent.  I was such a bitch today, too.  Anyone who was caught in the crossfire of rage can blame my sister.

If she pulls this shit again tonight I'll kill her.

zombie, sister, sleep, fucking crap

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