(no subject)

Jul 01, 2007 22:29

I'm completely prepared for dorm life in college, because I've been sharing a room with my sister for years.  I love her, but at times she has been pretty unbearable to live with.  She finally stopped playing loud music at 12 o-clock at night, but she still stays up late talking on the phone and leaves half-empty containers of food everywhere, which often equals weird smells and ants.

The most recent problem, however, has been more subtle.  Over the past few weeks I've become aware of the fact that she's been using my deodorant.  Now I'm not exactly sure how she feels on the subject of shared pit sweat, but apparently it's a leniant belief.  And it's not like she needs it.  She has her own, it's just sitting there on her side of the sink.  I can't imagine why she wouldn't want to use that instead.  But sure enough, every day I'll go in there and she'll have moved my deodorant over to her side, and it will be a little shorter.  Ewwwwww.

What followed this realization was a silent battle of wills.  Every morning I would grit my teeth and spread the contaminated bar across my armpits, then firmly place it back on my side, sometimes even hiding it behind my other junk.  But she never wavered; next time I checked, it would be back on her side and slightly moist.  This morning it finally became too gross to bear.  So I finally went to the drug store and picked up a new bar for myself.  I picked out the dykiest deodorant I could find: unscented Arm and Hammer.  Hopefully she won't want to use it.  She can keep using my gross old stuff, and everyone's happy.

All things considered, though, this wasn't that bad.  She's definitely improved.  At least she doesn't invite her friends over as much as she used to.  Nothing will ever top the day that I came in to find the lights off and the TV on, a sleeping sixteen year old boy sprawled out on her bed.  It was pretty awkward.

gross, bathroom, sister, arm and hammer, deodorant

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