Hey now, I am neither (outwardly) awkward nor (that) uncomfortable!

May 04, 2008 12:11

Here is a personality quiz I got from 
squeegee_burble. At first I was gonna all, "No way! That one part a few lines after the start is not really all that right", but let's be honest. It kind of is. You win this round, Personality Test! (But it's not a blow-out or anything, it was a last-minute buzzer beater.) Though that part about being "easily embarrassed and often ashamed" is wrong, because I never do anything that could possibly lead to embarrassment or ashamed-ness. (The key is going "Would I laugh at someone who was doing this?" and if the answer is "Yes", not doing it. It is a good system, it has served me well, and thus, I am sticking with it.)

My Personality



Openness to Experience



You very rarely feel depressed and are usually in a good frame of mind, however you are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic, but your awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. You lead a leisurely and relaxed life. You would prefer to sit back and smell the roses than indulge in high energy activities. You tend not to express your emotions openly and are sometimes not even aware of your own feelings. You are mostly a compassionate person, however you prefer to make objective judgments when possible, however you believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself. You are not an overly cautious person. You will think about alternatives and consequences but make up your mind fairly quickly.Take a Personality Test now or view the full Personality Report.

Neuroticism - 37
[Anxiety -  14, Anger - 69, Depression - 7, Self-Consciousness - 75, Immoderation - 63, Vulnerability - 25]
You are a calm person who is considered almost fearless by some. You feel enraged when things do not go your way. You are sensitive about being treated fairly and feel resentful and bitter if you think you are being cheated. You very rarely feel depressed and are usually in a good frame of mind. You are sensitive about what others think of you. Your concern about rejection and ridicule cause you to feel shy and uncomfortable around others. You are easily embarrassed and often feel ashamed. Your fears that others will criticize or make fun of you are exaggerated and unrealistic, but your awkwardness and discomfort may make these fears a self-fulfilling prophecy. You often resist any cravings or urges that you have, but sometimes you give in. You are poised, confident, and clear-thinking when stressed.

[I have no issue with the super high self-consciousness number, but I am not that angry.]

Extraversion - 9
[Friendliness - 40, Gregariousness - 12, Assertiveness - 20, Activity Level -  6, Excitement-Seeking- 8, Cheerfulness - 40]
You generally make friends easily enough although you mostly don't go out of your way to demonstrate positive feelings toward others. You tend to feel overwhelmed by, and therefore actively avoid, large crowds. You often need privacy and time for yourself. You tend not to talk much and prefer to let others control the activities of groups. You lead a leisurely and relaxed life. You would prefer to sit back and smell the roses than indulge in high energy activities. You get overwhelmed by too much noise and commotion and do not like thrill-seeking activities. You have a generally cheerful disposition.

[The description is kind of off, but the numbers are pretty spot-on. I am one of the best fake-friendly people you will ever meet. I mean, maybe not fake, but like... everyone who just meets me always says I am extra, extra nice. And it's true, but it's not like I am doing it to be nice on purpose, it's just that's what you are supposed to do, you know? There are people I actively hate who don't know it, because I am always nice to them. But on the inside I am all "I hate you!"]

Openness to Experience - 64
[Imagination - 83, Artistic Interests - 50, Emotionality - 10, Adventurousness - 62, Intellect - 67, Liberalism - 69]
Often you find the real world is too plain and ordinary for your liking, and you use fantasy as a way of creating a richer, more interesting world for yourself. You are reasonably interested in the arts but are not totally absorbed by them. You tend not to express your emotions openly and are sometimes not even aware of your own feelings. Familiar routines are good, but sometimes you like to spice up your life with a bit of adventure or activity. As a person who is open-minded to new and unusual ideas, you love to play with and think about ideas. You also like to debate intellectual issues and often enjoy riddles, puzzles and brain teasers. Often you exhibit a readiness to challenge authority, convention, and traditional values. Sometimes you feel a certain degree of hostility toward rules and perhaps even enjoy ambiguity.

[This one's pretty good too, except I don't know if I would call what I am "adventurous". I just don't like doing the same thing over and over again. I call that "not wanting to be bored".]

Aggreeableness - 5
[Trust - 76, Morality - 1, Altruism - 26, Cooperation - 1, Modesty - 3, Sympathy - 56]
You naturally assume that most people are fair, honest, and have good intentions. You believe that a certain amount of deception in social relationships is necessary. You are guarded in new relationships and less willing to openly reveal the whole truth about yourself. You do not particularly like helping other people. Requests for help feel like an imposition on your time. You are not adverse to confrontation and will sometimes even intimidate others to get your own way. You feel superior to those around you and sometimes tend to be seen as arrogant by other people. You are mostly a compassionate person, however you prefer to make objective judgments when possible.

[On this one, the words are very true, but it's the numbers that are off. Why is my morality score so low?]

Conscientiousness - 16
[Self-Efficacy - 50, Orderliness - 16, Dutifulness - 3, Achievement-Striving - 49, Self-Discipline - 0, Cautiousness - 59]
You are moderately confident that you can achieve the goals you set yourself. In general you tend to be disorganized and scattered. You find contracts, rules, and regulations overly confining and are sometimes seen as unreliable or even irresponsible by others. Mostly you work towards achieving your best, although in some areas you are content just to get the job done. You find yourself procrastinating and show poor follow-through on tasks. Often you fail to complete tasks - even tasks that you want very much to complete. You are not an overly cautious person. You will think about alternatives and consequences but make up your mind fairly quickly.

[There are three very, very true sentences in here. I don't think I have to point out which ones they are, but they all deal with the same issue. Maybe one day I will work on that... just not today.]

quizzes, meme

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