Since I am long and rambly, but I do not believe in the concept of Madd Posts in One Day, I am splitting these up a bit. Because the first post is like three pages back on my own flist, I am gonna retroactively add mole's set there, and put a link to it here, for the sake of the lazy (ex: Me) And also, to cut down on the number of duplicate requests (stemming from my slowness in getting things posted), here is a list of what I have already written/am writing right now.
Post 1 <---- that's a link. So are the names.
Squerb: Being Messy, Books About Wonderland, Hating The 48, Hating The 88, Not Being A Shipper , Raw Deal and Specific Mockery
Mole: Ancient Greece, Big Fancy Art Books, Hanging with Drunks, Life on Mars, Smirky Villains, Supporting Badasses and The Alltel Dodge
Resol: General Mockery, Peanuts, Ancient Rome, Art, Being Funny, Books and Classics
The Daily Show - You know those people who get their news from comedians? I am kind of one of those people. Like, I watch real news too (sometimes), but the main bulk of my news-gathering process begins with three people: Stewart, Colbert and Maher. I mean, I am not 100% comedians-as-newsgivers, but they are often where I start. I know it seems strange, but it actually means that I know a lot more about big name public figures and events than most of the people I know. Plus, the steady influx of authors coming on to pimp their newest books means that I am never at a loss for new stuff to read. Plus, how could I not love any show that introduced me to Jon, Stephen, Steve, Ed, Aasif, Dimitri and the Johns (Oliver and Hodgman)? Really? How could I not?
The Colbert Report - You know how everyone who watches both the Show and the Report has one that they like just a bit more than the other? Well, mine is the Report. I did not really start seriously watching the Daily Show until the Report was in full-swing, so I've always known them as a duo, adn I've always liked the Report better. The Word, The Threatdown (bears!), Better Know A District, Tip of The Hat/Wag of the Finger and my favorite, the On-Notice Board! I like how Stephen is just abit sillier than Jon, that he is playing a character based on someone I actively loathe and that he is not afraid to do something utterly ridiculous in order to get a laugh. He's kind of a goofball and he does not care. All news should be more like the Report and more reporters more like Stephen.
Hanging with Drunks: Oh man, our resident drunk beat you to it!
See my answer here
Classics - Okay, not "clasics" like your old-school black-and-white movies. (sorry). I mean it in the technical sense, like the stuff I majored in. So, when I say classics, I'm talking about things relating to ancient Rome and Greece... and in this case, mainly the written stuff. You know, Ovid's Metamophoses (a really, really long mythological poem), Cicero's political speeches and other non-political writings, the plays of Euripides, Aeschylus, Terrence and Plautus, and of course Homer and Vergil. Along with my Big Fancy Art Books, my collection of classical books (some of them actually in the original Latin. These do not get as much play as the English-language ones.) will be the foundation of my Very Respectable Book Collection.
Sleeping Late - Ha! This is one of the cornerstones of my existence, falling under the heading of Laziness. (Others Mockery, Cheapness and Procrastination.) I have never been one of those early risers, even when I was in school. I got up early during the early years, but by the time I got to high school, those days were done. (Part of this was due to the fact that my school was three blocks from the house, and I did not have to worry about getting up to catch the bus.) I'd just kind of get up whenever and make my way to class. It got to the point where I was so late so often that I did not even have to hand in the required Excuse Note. This only got worse when I went to college and could make my own schedule. My motto was: no classes before 11, 10 at the earliest (and only in the most extreme circumstances). I've never had a 9-5 job (I'm not getting up at 8) and I don't plan to... ever. I mean, as I am typing this, it's 6:31AM, and I have only been out of the bed for about 12 hours.
Mythology - This ties in with "classics". I have always loved the Greek myths. I once "borrowed" a mythology book from a school my mom worked at. I was about seven. I still have the book to this day. I can't explain why I first got into the stories, it's been that long. I like the way that there is a character for everything, and that their actions explain everything that happened in everyday life. This meant that the ancient people had to do a lot of praying to appease a lot of gods. That's a lot of work. Luckily, I don't have to deal with the worship, just with the stories. My favorite god is Hermes: the god of communication, thieves, merchants, liars and orators, athletes, poets and wit. He is also responsible for leading the souls of the dead to Hades and the invention of both fire and the alphabet... all things I am fond of. My favorite Roman god is Mercury, who really is just Hermes with a different name. I don't read much non-Greek/Roman stuff, but my favorite Norse god is Loki, the trickster. He's kind of like Hermes, only unlike he he was generally hated because he was pretty unpleasant - a liar and a cheat, a coward and a murderer. I try to read Egyptian myths, but I've never really sat down and focused on them. I don't know, I could just never get into it. Same with Native American myths. Maybe I should get some books and try again.
Flight of the Conchords- Oh man, way to end on a high note! The Conchords! They are a hilarious folk-rock duo from New Zealand who have a show on HBO. They had a comedy special once, but I refused to watch it, because I was like "I DO NOT WANT singing in my comedy!" Like.. not at all. And then, a few years later, they got a show. Everyone knows my love for all things "HBO Original Series", so I gave it a shot. Plus, it came on after Entourage, so that meant I did not have to get up and turn the television. In the lazy community, this is a Win. The premise of the show is that these two guys named Jemaine and Bret from NZ moved to NYC to make it big. But, they do not. In fact, they only have one fan. The show follows their exploits and then sometimes, and you would think I'd hate this, they randomly break out into song! This is usually a deal-breaker, right? (Yes.) But the Conchords get a pass because their songs are HILARIOUS! It's like "Wait. What are they singing about?" it will be the most mundane thing ever, but I won't be able to stop laughing. And because I really cannot to the absurdity/hilarity of it justice.. YouTube!
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This is "The Most Beautiful Girl". It's from the first episode and was the scene that pretty much cemented my love for the show.
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Same episode. It seems the relationship did not turn out as well as Jemaine thought it would. "I'm making a lasagna... for one!"
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This is "Business Time". It may be my favorite of all the songs. This is from the comedy special, because this version is better than the one from the show.
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Poor Bret. He was having body image issues, so Jemaine wrote a song to cheer him up.
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I didn't like this one at first, but then it kind of grew on me.