(no subject)

Jun 14, 2006 09:57

So do you remember a few days back there were news stories about how kids got this special ring tones that supposedly adults can't hear because our advanced age has ruined our hearing?
High Frequency Ringtone Just For kids!

Teenagers in the United States have found another novel way of using their cell phones in class. They’ve now started to download a high frequency ring tone which is not audible to adults!

The particular ringtone, downloadable off the internet is a spin-off on a technology which was actually meant to keep teenagers away from certain areas. The high frequency sound initially dubbed, the ‘Mosquito’ was developed by a Welsh security company to help shopkeepers disperse young people loitering in front of their stores while leaving adults unaffected. Now, the mosquito noise is reinvented as a ringtone and is being sold on the net to sneak in calls and messages in classes.

The technology works on the principle that people gradually start to lose their ability to hear high frequency sounds, called ear loss. While most human communication takes place in a frequency range between 200 and 8,000 hertz, most adults’ ability to hear frequencies higher than that begins to deteriorate in early middle age.

So how do you think schools will combat this problem? Maybe by hiring younger teachers!

Well, apparently, here is the ringtone:


I dunno, I can hear it just fine.. matter of fact it's almost deafening to my ears.
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