Jan 15, 2008 22:28
So, Milo doesn't sleep well. Not a secret. We're working on it. Finding solutions. Being "pro-active". I've followed a variety of recommendations, no matter how ridiculous they sounded. But today, I'm drawing a line.
I went to an acupuncturist on the advise of a d.o. because Milo "looks" like he's a kid with food allergies. It's possible. I had them as a child. She thinks it's what's keeping him up at night. Especially since her treatments aren't working. So, based on this visual diagnosis, we took him off wheat. His skin was a little less dry for a week or so, now it's back to same old-same old. No improvement in his sleep. Now I follow the advise of the doctor because I'm open minded. He must have more food allergies, she says. The acupuncturist will do acupressure. It's a great way to find out. Maybe it'll work, who knows. I'll give it a try.
I shouldn't have bothered. I was so mad when I left. Mad at myself for going. Mad at myself for ever going to the osteopath. I just feel like they're snake-oil salesmen from the old west with certificates from learned institutions. "Ooh, If I push on his head here, he'll sleep better. Not any better? Well, I just need to thump his back with this mallet. Still nothing? Let's pull out the laser and shine it at him." This specialist that I went to today tested my son for allergies by pushing on my arm. Makes sense right. No? That's because it's insane. And I paid for it. I rock.