
Jun 08, 2007 06:58

Off to Orvieto this morning to visit some of my favorite paintings by Luca Signorelli and the duomo they are in.

Steve and Sharon Daly dropped by CF for a visit this week and we are expecting the Hale's this weekend.

We had our mid term crit of drawing students first project. Hope JBJ can get photos so I can put some images up. There was was a lot of very good work. Now off to final project and Rome all next week. Time flies.

More rain daily here with more forecast for Orvieto today.

Back to ping pong last night. Ankle is healing slowly but surely. Still using an ankle brace but colorful bruising has faded.

No swimming yet. Pool not open. The weather is too cool and damp.

Along with sketching architecture on our outings I've started a small book of imaginary towers in planning to make some paintings of the same. So yesterday when searching for images leading to abstraction I ran into this painting by Mondrian. Yes! Coincidenza bella!

weather, students, italy, signorelli

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