Sep 04, 2004 20:24
Alright so I was gonna say fuck it to a rewrite... but then it just struck me that i have nothing else to do... sooo yeah.... The past few days have sucked... it didn't really hit me until the night before alyson left, cause I hung out with her that night, and after leaving her house i was juts thinking wow this is gonna suck... To ever think that alyson leaving in any sort would have gotten me depressed... it is a dark day in hell lemme tell you... Just kidding alyson if you're reading this.. You were always a good friend to me, even in my darkest times in the wee hours of the morning... Lauren francis left this morning... that was such a bitch to get through last night, and I can't even imagine what it was like for her... i admire the fact that she didn't call me or anyone that i know of balling.... ugh but yeah... its been tough... a lot of people i didn't get to say goodbye to properly and thats just disappointing... but hey its not like they are gonna be gone forever right? But the fact that a good 75-90% of the people i care about not related to me are not "right down the street" from me is just a feeling of.... empty-ful... but i haven't shed a single tear... not one... for some reason this entry was a lot longer, when i first wrote it... and I think i've said everything... I'm gonna start making the calls soon to start arranging my visits.. so yeah look out... in fact just everyone clear your scedules right now... cause I'm coming sooner or later... alright well... call/e-mail/IM/mail me a letter... My e-mail is and my IM name is Jimbo0111 so yeah.. I will hopefully talk to everyone later... Peace out... College Patorns- I wish you all luck, Much love, and don't eat the green berries... Hich Schoolies- See ya on campus...