As summer winds down...

Sep 02, 2012 20:41

Finally we are into September and close to "non-summer". Still quite a bit of heat to endure... but this is always the marker for me... that I am close enough to the change of season that it is easier to cope. I hope by next year to have a new evaporative cooler... one more efficient and much quieter (mine has a weird thump that seems unfixable and on the night's when I am at my worst insomnia-wise it is very noticeable).

I have found a new minor addiction, Teddy Grahams ! So far I like the cinnamon the best, but the honey is quite acceptable. I do not think I have had much of graham crackers since childhood, when we used to have them with a little confectioner's sugar icing, but not only am I enjoying them, but the odd choice of dipping them in hot tea turned out to also be yummy.  Knowing me I will burn myself out on them like I did with my favorite packaged pad thai, but that is a risk I will  just have to take.

Not much else to say right now... enjoying Big Brother and eagerly anticipating both The Amazing Race and the greatest reality show of all time, Survivor. Yeah, I watch way too much reality TV. Hell, have even watched quite a bit of The Bachelor House and still love Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef. I get a feeling I would even watch Paradise Hotel or whatever it was called if it ever came back... another with just the strangely right amount of snarkiness and nastiness, despite itself.

food, summer

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