It has been awhile... over a month, wow.

Jul 04, 2003 21:36

Well, I am here, in AMAZING, WONDERFUL, STUPENDOUS, AWE-SPIRING, BEAUTIFUL, WEALTHY, and just simply WOW Japan. I live with a host family in the middle of Tokyo, Meguro to be exact, and am having the time of my life. Once again, ask Zach, he knows a lot of the details since he is the only one who stays up at 3am and I can actually talk to him here. Ha ha ha. If you live in CST US time, I am 14 hours ahead, so just add 2 hours and change the am/pm. Cool, huh?

I wish that I could write all the really cool stuff that I have done, but it would make too many people green and then they would dislike me, and I would despair to be disliked because I am such a likeable person, ya know?

So in short....

Orientation in San Francisco led to the meeting of 48 other teens going to Japan on the same scholarship as myself. Miss West Virginia had to cancel due to family issues, I think. I, Miss Arkansas ;), had a great time getting to know everyone. Senor Fuentes (Mr. Oregon) I thought was quite cute and very fun to be with, but at the same time, I think that I gelled (sp?) better with Mr. North Dakota. Other than fun, he is sweet and has the most adorable facial expressions! かわいい!!!! (Kawaii=cute) Then there was Mr. Hawaii which I did not seem to get along with at all since in part, we are both sarcastic people, and that can be a problem especially since we both have dominating personalities.. and my fingers are starting to hurt because I am typing too fast... and that was just a mess. However, by the day before we got on the 10 hour + flight to Narita, we were compromising on the severity of our biting sarcasm and were beginning to gel, and I am so queen of Chooty-Chooty Bang-Bang(don't ask now, IM me), no lie, even if Ian=Mr. Hawaii, says otherwise =P He just got lucky.

Now I am with my host family in Meguro and having the time of my life. Sure I did some important things in Shinjuku (downtown Tokyo) with the YFU (foreign exchange Org. that got me here) people and met really cool foreign dignitaries, but that is beside the point. However, with my possy, I did have some fun in a 7 story arcade and discovered that I am terrible at games at require fast hand-eye coordination and good timing. SO! As I was saying... Meguro. My family is the bomb-diggidy, and I love them to pieces. I just got back from Hakone and Kamakura and soon I will be celebrating a festival with them. I forget the Japanese name, so bear with as I explain. Two stars only meet at this time of the year--July 7th--and we celebrate by decorating bamboo trees with paper chains, other origami decorations, and write wishes on slips of paper, hoping for them to come true when the stars meet--eclipse each other really. Cool, huh?

For all you Hayao Miyazaki fans, (Zach, you were lucky to be forgiven your ignorance =P) I have been to a HUGE display at the Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Arts, and have so far spent over $50 on Studio Ghibli stuff. Even that makes ME sick to think about it. And I am still on to go to THE STUDIO GHIBLI MUSEUM later this month. *happy dance* I am SO LUCKY.


It is late, goodnight!
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