Dr Jillian McKeith IS the Anti Jillian

Jan 04, 2006 22:29

So Christmas is well and truly over and OH MY GOODNESS I’M FAT. I never noticed before…get it off me GET IT OFF ME! Thank god the TV is overrun with programs about detoxing. I’m going to sit on my sofa and learn about how to exercise and take notes on the foods I should be shoving into my body and the foods I should turn my nose up at in the grocery store. In fact when I see people consuming naughty foods I’m going to shoot them looks of doom. Especially if it’s another women, god, they should have more self control!

Post Christmas TV should make anyone who has any ounce a self respect left want to destroy their sets with a hammer, which will double as a great exercise to help you shift those pesky pounds. My Mom wanted to watch Dr (internet qualified) Gillian McKeith’s program last night. . She is everything I detest in a person. I’m sure if we ever met we would have a battle in the style of street fighter. I would of course have the trendier outfit and my boobs would be more impressive as well because I’m FAT. Well I’m not fat I’m chubby chic darling. Thankfully when I convinced my Mother to switch over to the news their was a real scientist, you know, one that went to university and does real studies and shit, who was saying that going to bed a bit earlier and drinking a couple of pints of tap water a day works just as well as any Detox. I just find it disgusting that people like Dr Gill are making money out of peoples insecurities, “I know your disgusting to the human eye at the moment, but I’ll help you become worthwhile.” If people such as her are so concerned about other peoples weight and health why don’t they help them for free? Rather than go feed the starving millions lets try and deny food to some of the fatties here. So parents wont be saying to their children “eat your dinner, think of all the kids starving in Africa” a nutritionist will be saying to the parents “Don’t eat all that dinner think of all the obese people in America.”

Ok I’m ranting now, you don’t have to buy into a culture you don’t like and you don’t have to waste your energy on hating it.

I’ve just made myself a nice pitcher of sugar free cool aid yumness plus you don’t have to rouge your lips for days after drinking that stuff. Oh childhood memories with every sip. I’m feeling healthier by the way, can you tell I have my energy back? I’ll be in Kingston tomorrow WHOOP, I’ll miss Leicestershire but there’s always a place for it in my heart *swoon*.

Good day…I said Good day.
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