Renaissance Spritz - Are they cookie-like?

Apr 16, 2010 20:24

I'm wondering about Rontzier's recipes for Spritz gebacken and am trying
to understand how they were made. Modern spritz (cookies) are kind of a soft dough
forced through a press. Was something similar done in period? What is
the difference between a straublein and spritzkuchen since they both seem
related in the definitions in the Grimm worterbuch? Generally in my mind
a strauben has a runnier dough that drips into the pan, but Rontzier says
to make as stiff dough (see later below).

As an implement Grimm's worterbuch:
als küchengerät, mehlspritze, sipho farinarius, quibus spirae crocatae,
sive scribitae striatae, die spritzküchlein, efflantur. STIELER 2084,
küchleinspritze, schizzatoio da bozzolaio. KRAMER deutsch-ital. dict. 2
(1702), 895b, nudelspritze, schizzatoio da vermicellini ò fidelini.
ebenda, butterspritze, schizzatoio da butiro fresco. ebenda, 'spritze,
ist ein von blech hol getriebenes oder von holtz gedrehetes instrument,
so die köche in ihren küchen nöthig haben, als da ist, spritze zu
spritzkuchen, spritze zu würsten, u. d. g.' AMARANTHES (1715) 1892, die
spritzen der köche zu spritzkuchen. ADELUNG: gebackene spritzkuchen,
machet den teig gleich als bey vorhergehenden schnee-ballen, ab, bringet
solchen in die darzu verfertigten spritzen, die forne einen stern haben
musz. AMARANTHES (1715) 635. (Note bozzolaio from a different thread on
pepper cakes some here may have been reading on Scacooks list).

Is this a funnel with an implement to force the dough through or more like a sieve device
or yet a type of pot/pan (I see an tube cake called a siphon cake on the net)?

Rontzier's recipe(s)
Spritz gebacken
Mann mach einen steiffen Deig von Mehl unnd heisser Kappaunenbruh, stost
ihn mit Eyerdottern gahr wol in Morsel / lest ihn weiss oder macht ihn
gelb / thut zerschmultzen Buttern und eyerdotter darein / thut ihn darnach
in eine Spritz mit ein wenig Weins und lests gahr werden.
[One makes a stiff dough of flour and hot capaun broth, grinds into it
with egg yolks very well in the mortar / keep it white or make in yellow /
put in melted butter and eggyolks thereto / put it then next into a spritz
with a little wine and let it puff up.

Mann kan den Deig auch wol mit Zucker oder Parmasanskese abmachen / auch
wol mit zerstossem Aniss oder allein mit Wein / etc.
[One can the dough as well with sugar or parmasan cheese make / as well as
with ground anise or alone with wine / etc.]

Mann zerstost frische Kese dar Flot in gethan ist und ein wenig trucken
geworden sein mit Mehl / Eyerdottern unnd ein wenig Salz in einem Morsel /
beckts in einer Spritz mit Buttern und bestrewet sie mit Zucker wenn man
sie wil zum tisch geben.
[One grinds fresh cheese that cream in [which it] was made and a bit dry
made with flour egg yolks and a bit of salt in a mortar / bake it in a
spritz with butter and strew it with sugar when one will bring it to the
table.]  Ooooo - a cream cheese type cookie thang?  Even a cake sounds nummy.
I will do many things for sugar cookies.  Like exercise and that's saying something!

It's hard to get an exact picture of what is happening without knowing
what a spritz is, but here it looks like the item might be baked/fried in
the spritz.

Any thoughts on my spritzy-ditzy question?

culinary symposium, cookies

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