Nov 20, 2007 11:13
Oy, if hosting a Thanksgiving feast isn't a ginormous challenge...this could get very interesting is all I can say. Thank goodness my Mom is helping me. One more week to prepare would have been so grand...but oh well. It doesn't help that suddenly I've been told more people are coming than we first thought. Hoo boy. It was way easier when we just used to go to someone else's house, but times have changed. @_@
It doesn't help my "meh" mood that they've been playing the NON-STOP Christmas music since last Friday on the station we have playing here at work. Seriously, I think I'm the only person here who is annoyed by it. I think it's more about the fact that this station plays the same block of songs ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. Variety wouldn't kill a person, you know!?!?! There are plenty more songs than they have been playing, so no excuses, WARM 106.9. (On notice!) It must be something that changes once a person has kids or is in a meaningful relationship. It's not like my heart is dead inside, I just...I don't know. I'm fine with it like a week before Christmas, but I just don't get that excited about hearing the music this early. I guess it just reminds me too much of times long-gone, and people who are no longer here, and stressful family gatherings. Such is life when you have a semi-dysfunctional family and Seasonal Affective Disorder. I just wish I could break through that funk. Oh well, no point dwelling on it.
I have done ZERO gift-shopping so far, go me! Not proud of that fact, but time is going too quickly. Good thing there's still about a month, but that's just too soon! AAAAAAHHH!
Also looks like the mice/rat problem at work is partly taken care of; they trapped a few bigguns this past weekend down in the factory, although I hear now that some MORON down there was leaving food out for the critters (one guy in particular likes to feed birds that come around, along with anything else). Also with the recent "landscaping" the Sound Transit morons have done around/near our buildings, I'm sure they disturbed the mice/rats habitat, and we were the first refuge they could find. Oh well, that won't be for long! Poor cute furry things! ;@ ) Apparently the local fire department is also having a "practice disaster drill" out behind our factory building today. You know, in case someone gets sick of riding the "Light Rail to Nowhere" and wants to jump or something, heh heh. That's if they ever finish it! Yeah...whatever.
I guess that's all I have to say for now. Pray for my sanity, PLLLLZZZ! I hope everyone else remains sane as well. If not, perhaps we can all get a group rate at the asylum? I call dibs on the padded walls, though! ^_~
various mildly annoying xmas music,
be prepared!!!,
jill's heart is dead inside!,
i must be crazy!,
stupid people,
local stuff,
sound transit construction,
on notice,
annoying co-workers,