Who Thinks up this Stuff, SRSLY?

Jun 08, 2007 09:00

In my random surfing adventures this morning, I stumbled upon this link, and it's just...well, it's beyond words. Some of you I know will get a kick out of this, having shared similarly silly links in the past as well! So, now it's my turn! I can always use a good laugh anyway. ^_^

The FAMOUS 'Mitchum Man' Armpit Orchestra...!??!

It's just...very random and a bit scary, but thank goodness there's no "smell-o-vision" on the Internets yet. And, does anyone actually USE that stuff? I think I saw some in my grandparents' medicine cabinet once, but honestly I don't know that this is a highly popular product, LOL. At least there's no "bow-chicka-BOW-WOW" factor involved. O_o

laughter at other people's expense, amusements, silly, the wtf files, random geeky fun, informed consumers

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