I has a flavour fish!
Meet my newest "pet", who arrived at my house (while I was at work) yesterday, along with 4 other new Bettas that are now living with us (which totals to 6 now).
ashjulall and her kids (who were on Mid-Winter break) decided we needed some more fishies in the house (well, her kids want a hamster, but she decided to start with something a little lower-maintenance), and each has their own bowl (since they're all male, and males can't occupy the same space, apparently). They decided this one would be a good fit for my room (her daughters both have one in their rooms, and the other three are in the living room). What a randomly pleasant surprise!
Isn't he cute? He's a bit shy yet, and seems to linger at the bottom of the bowl and doesn't want to eat much (but that's Bettas for you). I guess he's a sort of "spiky", short-finned fish that flares out quite awesomely, but I haven't seen him do that yet. He's living on the dresser in my room (which previously belonged to my Grandma).
I had no idea what to call him (even stood there and stared at him for awhile trying to get inspiration), but Beth's girls said I got to name him since it was going to be in my room. They named theirs Austin and, shoot, I forget what her oldest named hers, although their brother hasn't named his yet (he keeps going through various Thomas the Tank Engine character names). The other two fish we already had (the "replacements" for our dear Floyd, the Betta who froze to death after December's windstorm) are "Evil" Nemo and Boris, LOL.
Anyway, I thought about it over dinner and such, and wanting to give him a unique name (I was just going to call him Bob or George or something), decided to borrow the name from a character from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (a cartoon the kids like), and am now calling him (as the picture indicates) Eduardo. He's got similar colouring and he's a bit paranoid just like his cartoon counterpart, so it just seems to fit. I sort of decorated around the outer bowl area with some fancy scarves and these little bamboo plants I have to give it a more tropical/natural feel. I also put a few aquarium rocks I had with my bamboo in the bowl, and he did seem to like those, so I may add more later, although he probably won't notice or care. ^_^
So, yeah. Let's hope I don't kill this fish, because I haven't actually had my own pet fish in YEARS (before I had cats). Although I've only ever had goldfish before, and these are supposed to be WAY easier to care for. I feel bad he has to live alone in there, though, but I don't want to get a female and have any breeding going on, so, he'll live. Heck, these things can live in cups their entire lives, so yeah. Although I don't foresee really talking about Eduardo much, since he's mostly just *there*, and mainly as "decor", at that. Maybe I should bring him to work and make him a mascot? LOL.
And that is my exciting story for today. Glubba glubba!