So, I know at least a few of you have gotten the word, but hey, here's some good news from LJ! Pressies, WooooooT!
We put up with glitches and downtime, and we make off with this kind of virtual "swag":
*Upgrade from 3 to 6 userpics for free accounts! ^_^
*1 gig of file storage for paid accounts! (O_O)
*10 gigs of file storage for permanent accounts! \@_@/
And it's not even a limited-time offer, it's permanent! DUUUUUUUUDE. Where did we go right... *G*
More info on the changes here. Okay, so I want to know...WTF do I do with 10 GIGABYTES of storage? Hell, I don't even have that much storage on my domain! Dang. I may have to start making MASSIVE!ASSHUGE sound, photo and video posts (and I can with my various tools, such as Mr. Cellphone and my DigiCam). many ideas, I wonder if I should make a poll about that...on the other hand, the suggestions might be a bit too, yeah, we'll leave it at that.
Course, I'd personally have preferred a guaranteed speed improvement on the servers...but I suppose this'll do!
Oh hey, I get paid today too. Sweeeeeet. Time for more shopping, 'cause I still have some gifties to buy yet. D'oh! This Holiday season is hyper-warpspeed nuts. :@ P
P.S. Could someone please tell Weezer to pack up and get out of my brain? Their song Beverly Hills has been stuck in there all week! ._.
Pee Pee Ess: Don't forget that tonight is the Finale for The Apprentice! Will it be Randal or Rebecca? I think either could be a good choice, but we'll see!