Pledge Arguments Rise Again... (Watch out, I feel opinionated. Heh heh heh.)
So, if this whole Pledge of Allegiance argument ever flies again, we're more than certain to be on the path to Hell FAST. (Not that we aren't already, we'd just fly faster.) I mean, what's to say we wouldn't eventually have to reprint ALL of the money in this country and abroad, and not to mention rewrite like EVERY document ever these people even THINK? Wouldn't want to dare offend anyone, I mean come on! Since when did Atheists have the right to call the shots? If they don't like it (as with any other belief system), they don't have to do the Pledge, or anything else as they see fit! Don't tell kids what they can or cannot do based on a very small cross-section of people's opinions (mainly cynical adults, at that)? LET THEM DECIDE FOR THEMSELVES! That's after all what got prayer taken out of schools to begin with. (Although perhaps that was for the best in some ways.)
Besides, let's remember: for the most part, the labelling of "God", no matter what He is called by various religions, is basically, well, THE SAME BEING. We are all referring to the same Great Spirit (well, when it really comes down to it). What, we have to start rattling off other names with that, or just plain pay no respect to this Nation? What!?!? WTFSRSLY. And what's more, we have to remember kids are the product of the culture and environment around them. Teaching respect breeds respect. Otherwise, may as well let all Hell break lose and have NO rules, and so on, and so on. (Right, this is just about one issue right now, so nevermind arguing it.)
Aw heck, there's just plain bigger fish to fry out there, so why do they keep beating around the damn BUSH? (Pun completely intended.) It's a waste of time, efforts, and most of all, money.
Oh right, this is the Government and their appointed knuckleheads we're talking about. @_@
The whole damn World is going to shambles...not that it hasn't before, but every day, it's like more and more out-of-control. Or maybe it's just my eyes are open?
I tell ya, just when one thinks life is ready to settle down for a bit, something more always comes around. I'm voting for God (or whoever He is this week) to just plain hit the STOP and/or PAUSE button! Not that it's in my hands, but sometimes it would be nice to just not even be here anymore. Course then I'd have to take everyone with me, because I wouldn't leave by myself nor want to be left alone! I'm just tired of seeing (sorry to be suddenly religious here) Satan slowly take over everything around me, and appear to be winning the battle, at that. What good is left in the World, ya know?
Agree or disagree, whatever floats your boat.
To Summarize: This World SUCKS.