Oh Yea, It's Monday again

Aug 03, 2009 20:59

Why do I always lose my post on livejournal? I press the wrong button and POOF entry all gone. And I hate the way spellcheck works. I need to write elsewhere and paste. Sigh.

So, today was a semi-productive day. I semi mastered putting in rivets. I used brass tubing and joined leather and brass. Not so sucessfull with solid rivets. I think I need a larger diameter rod. But I accomplished enough to be able to see my vision of a brass/leather/canvas corset taking shape. Tonight we went to a local Ace hardware store and I bought premade rivets, both brass and copper. Let me decribe this place. It has every thing, I mean it. Say you want to put up shelves and invite people for a party. They have wood, brackets, rows of shiny hammers, a 30 foot wall of bins and bins of hardware, levels, drills AND beer, wine, snacks, ice you get the idea. EVERYTHING. Garden stuff, coal, worms. Rope, drainers, garage sale signs. EVERYTHING ! Oh and the loterry. I forgot, they have ice cream. Why would you go any where else?

I also bought some round thingys. I have no idea what they are. What they will be, are googles. Ah, the possibilites of an old fashioned store. Tomorrow can't be "semi-productive". It must be fully productive. I will have pics. I will have made progress. Yes.

I am sorry if there are mispelled words. I don't dare try spell check. That's how I lost the last entry.

steampunk, corset

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