
Feb 16, 2010 18:15

I am so extremely tired, I don't even know where to begin. All I know is that I'm at my internship, I've been staring at the computer since 8 this morning and most of my time has been spent either filling out paperwork, in a meeting or in a session. You know, I really love helping people, I do. There is nothing so rewarding than to relieve someone of a burden that they've been carrying around for a countless amount of time.

But do you know know where all that stress and tension and burden ends up? Right into me. Now, I don't carry my client's worries home with me or anything - quite the contrary, I am able to separate the two. However, when you (as in I) already have tension and stress built up because of your (my) own problems and obligations, someone else's on top of that doesn't do wonders for you (me). I feel stretched way too thin.

This is the thing - so many people bust on therapists and psychologists, about how we're head shrinkers or how we make a buck off of listening to people's problems...but that's just it, sometimes we are the only people that person has that will listen. So much of our time is based on voicing our own opinion (like what I'm doing right now, ironic no?) and worries that we forget (because we're human after all) about the person on the other end.

Do I feel forgotten? Maybe. Not by my clients, heavens no. Their only obligation to me is to remain open-minded so I can better help them. No, I sometimes feel forgotten by the ones around me that should be caring that I'm stretched too thin. That's where my clients are braver than me - they are able to speak up and tell someone that life is too much for them right now. And what do I do? What I always do, tread on. There are people to be helped, problems to be processed and solved, and papers to write. That is the least most of my life right now :) And the realization is that my clients are braver than their counselor. But that is where we help each other, to process and grow into who we are meant to be. Cheesy, but true.

Now, onto other more cheerful things. This past Sunday was Valentines Day. Erick and I celebrated on Saturday because, well, Sunday is the day of rest (what tv show is that from ppl? love it). We spent the day at the movies (Valentine's Day - creative right? It was okay. Pure fluff, which I didn't mind), shopping, eating out and exchanging gifts. Well, you might as well have called it Geek Fest 2010 because we got each other the geekiest most fanboy/girlish things ever lol.

I got Erick two t-shirts from, one was from the Big Bang Theory (Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock!), and the other is black and it says in white letters: No, I will not fix your computer. haha. He especially loved that one (people are always asking him to fix thier computer). I also got him Battlestar Galactica: The Plan on blu ray and Fringe Season 1 on blu ray (see, Geek Fest). I also got him some of his favorite retro sour candies.

Now, Erick went all geeky on me too, which I LOVE. This is what he got me:

Look at the geekiness that is my gorgeous Valentine's gift!!! The bear is so soft and cuddly and I finally have a freakin' Rose figure!!!! If I sound happy it's because I am!!! I have the DW Regeneration Set with Nine and Ten and I have the comic-con exclusive Ninth figure, but I had yet to buy a Rose figure :) I think I squeaked when I saw this lol. We were trying to figure out why K-9 came with her while she was wearing that outfit...but  figured oh well. I'm tempted to open all my figures (kissy noises anyone?), but I love the packaging. See, full on geek, that's me.

Barnes & Noble carries DW magazine, but they had 2 months without carrying it and it was going to be David's last official magazine cover so I was pretty bummed when each time we'd go, there would be nothing. So, Erick went out and got it for me :) It comes with a huge poster (of the cover) and I need to make room for it *happy sigh*.

I loved Whip It. Derby girls are just scary cute lol. We actually went to a derby exhibition bout awhile back - it was so much fun! The next major one is March 27th and we already said we'd go. I hope to buy a t-shirt this time :) Erick also made me a kick ass mix cd with sweet love songs (indie ones) - 14 tracks. He's lovely isn't he? heh.

Now the pins *drool* Here is a better shot:

LOOK AT ALL THE ROSE ONES!!! Sorry lol. But I love Billie Piper. And there are Jack ones and Donna ones and Torchwood :D I had a geekgasm when I saw this *drool* Notice there are no Martha pins :D My boy knows me all too well :D

Anyway, there was some sadness to this past weekend, but I shall save that tale for another time. There is paperwork to be filled out ya know ;)

billie piper, life, doctor who, rose tyler, internship

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