
Tarot Rec and a Meme!

Sep 08, 2008 16:32

First off--I didn't even know that batfan_sarah  had already done a DC Tarot, and it's awesome! Check it out! Toonverse Hawkgirl and Green Lantern as the Lovers and the Spectre as Judgment are especially inspired, but all are great.

Also, a meme!

1. Comment to this post.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and ( Read more... )


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laramoon September 9 2008, 03:02:26 UTC
Excellent picks you have there! :D

I got into the pairing for Clark, I admit it. At first, Bruce was mostly just the most appropriately awesome character to pair Clark with.

Me toooooooo! *giggles* Really, I'm not kidding. I started out in the L&C:TNAoS fandom - after a year there, I began "slipping" Batman into my stories because it was amusing. They do live in the same universe, after all. When I started writing Kansas, it was going to be mostly about Clark - but somehow, between the first and second week of NaNo (I ditched my original and started all over again) it had turned into a story about Bruce, written in the first person. And believe me, a year ago, I never have thought that I'd turn into such a Batman fangirl in the space of a month. LOL!

I wrote something in a fic someplace, mmm... "Yes, and you're Bruce Wayne, just an ordinary Earth man in a Kevlar armor, but one whose prowess in battle can equal his[Superman's] own." -- how can you not admire a guy like that? :swoon:

(oh -- I've done this meme already, so I don't want another letter. I, uh, just wanted to ...babble. *lol*)


jij September 9 2008, 17:31:33 UTC
Yay, another Superman fangirl won over by the awesomeness of Bruce! I love the fact that both of them are so complex, but in such different ways. Bruce is so much more than any one thing--so much more than a billionaire, a playboy, an avenging spirit, a detective, a father-figure, a hero, a martial artist...while still being all those things.


laramoon September 9 2008, 18:27:13 UTC
I have to confess, I kinda like the "dark and disturbed" thing he has going on - yeah, it's cliché, but hell, it's sexy!

But mostly, I love the fact that he's not *perfect*. He's really not. And I'm pretty damn sure he knows it, too. But he tries really hard to be just that. Whereas Superman, in more ways than one, *is* perfect - and it gets kind of annoying in ways, after a while.

Besides, as intelligent as Clark/Superman might be - and lord knows, given the photographic memory and the super-brain-speed, he's sharper than the rest of the crayons all right - he's *still* nowhere near Batman's league. And really, there's nothing sexier than a man with a mind this sharp. (I wanna say "cunning" but that just bring back images of Baldrick, here. LOL!)

Of course, that's just me - I was 6 and had a huge crush on Mr. Spock, and then by the time I was 9, I was madly in love with Sherlock Holmes. No wonder Batman appeals to me -- he's intelligent, scientifically inclined, a brilliant detective, and hell, have you *seen* the arms on that man? (*lol* of course I had to throw that in there!)

He's flawed for sure - he's pig-headed and overbearing and so demanding that he's downright impossible - but on the other hand, he's got so many wonderful qualities, and a big heart (even when it looks like he's got a rock in his chest instead). The good more than makes up for the bad, and the balance of it keeps the character real - not god-like, just human and oh so wonderful.

How can you not totally fall in love with a character like that? I sure as heck ain't strong enough to resists that much awesomeness. *giggles*

Batman so, SO rules. hee!


jij September 10 2008, 04:13:31 UTC
I've had a lot of fun looking for ways that Clark isn't perfect--it's kind of hard at times! Sometimes it seems like his biggest flaw is...being boring, which is frankly an unforgivable flaw and death for writing him as a character!

Bruce has so many fun angles to his personality, and I love that he can be either damaged almost past redemption or a quite functional if withdrawn guy and neither is really OOC. There's so many ways to approach him...


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