
Tarot Rec and a Meme!

Sep 08, 2008 16:32

First off--I didn't even know that batfan_sarah  had already done a DC Tarot, and it's awesome! Check it out! Toonverse Hawkgirl and Green Lantern as the Lovers and the Spectre as Judgment are especially inspired, but all are great.

Also, a meme!

1. Comment to this post.
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

icarus_chained gave me a B! I tried to stick to one per fandom...

Julian Bashir (Star Trek: Deep Space 9): Another driven, brilliant, idealistic man. What is about me and them? Julian's passionate, often-naive approach to life always delighted me, but I liked him best when sparking off Garak, the wry and cynical Cardassian spy. Bashir/Garak was probably the first pairing I consciously understood as "slashy" in my mind. The way he and Garak danced around Garak's identity ("I'm just a simple tailor") and argued politics always captivated me. TPTB's giving them both entirely unconvincing hetero relationships in the last season annoyed me greatly--mostly because I really missed their semi-antagonistic friendship, darn it.

Belle (Beauty and the Beast): Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite fairy tale, and I was really pleased with the Disney version. Mostly because I loved Belle, who loved reading and dreamed of a bigger life and actually ended up finding it.

Roj Blake (Blake's 7): Passionate, pig-headed, with a Messiah complex a few lightyears wide, Blake is the force that drives and animates Blake's 7. Without him, the show wandered and drifted--albeit in some pretty awesome directions--but even then always seemed to be drawing back to its driving force and the tragic end. He's like Clark Kent without the humility, but even at his worst I always felt he cared passionately both about the people in the Federation that he wanted to free, and his own friends.

Boromir (Lord of the Rings): Sean Bean and Peter Jackson gave me this character. As a teenager reading LotR, I empathized so fully with Frodo that I could only see Boromir as menacing and evil. Watching the movie really drove home to me the anguished nobility of the man, torn between his reluctant knowledge that Aragorn is the True King and his deep, desperate desire to help his people and finally please his father. His final battle and death scene make me cry every time.

That Jackson went on to (IMHO) kind of screw up Faramir and Denethor annoys me, but can't take away how much I love Boromir.

Bruce Wayne (DCU): I got into the pairing for Clark, I admit it. At first, Bruce was mostly just the most appropriately awesome character to pair Clark with. But over time I've come to be a passionate advocate for the man. He's the epitome of human achievement, brilliant and handsome and deeply compassionate. He lived for years among the poorest and most reviled people to understand the forces that create criminal behavior, so he's seen the very worst of humanity, and yet every day he gets up and does his best--both as Batman and as Bruce Wayne--to make the world a better place. He embodies hope for me.

I know most of you have already played this, but feel free to comment and ask for a letter!


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