
Scans: Trinity #5

Jul 05, 2008 13:07

Some very nice fight interaction, good relational work, and fun below the cut!

And one rather annoying thing.  >_<

When last we left Our Heroes, Batman was about to get jumped by an alien while Superman and Wonder Woman fought the other alien.  We pick up in mid-fight:

Things I love about this sequence:

1.  Well, Superman dropping everything to run to Batman's side, duh.
2.  The strategic discussion between him and WW--how he trusts her assessment of the situation, how she's confident without being cocky.
3.  How Batman isn't in any danger at all.  ^-^
4.  I especially like that we aren't  treated to heavy-handed moralizing about techniques here.  I was worried Superman would be all "I don't APPROVE of being used as an INTERROGATION TOOL, Batman!" and get huffy, and I hate when Superman and Batman are used as ham-handed morality lessons.  But Superman knows that this is the quickest way to get the info out of the little guy, so assuming Batman doesn't start cutting him up with that batarang it seems a pragmatic approach.  I have a real problem with superheroes being portrayed as Disapproving Mightily of tactics that are clearly the quickest and most humane method to deal with something.  (Yes, I'm looking you here, Brad "Identity Crisis" Meltzer.)

*coughs*  Sorry, got sidetracked.  My point is, I like this interaction.  Good teamwork, everyone has a different approach but is cool about it, fantastic.

What I don't like in this issue boils down to one page:

*sighs and tries to look patient*  If you must include a shot of our awesome warrior princess looking coyly back over her shoulder at us while sticking her mostly-bare ass out for the reader's delectation, could you at least not have her mouthing trite dialogue about the "complicated nature" of gender and superheroes?  Wounded superheroes get their wounds checked, I really doubt it's "awkward" for these three.  But again, either fanservice cheesecake or discussion of gender issues is fine, it's the combination of the two that's making my brain hurt.

*slight eyeroll*

That page aside, a good week.  Tarot is still uninteresting to me despite my very intense interest in the tarot, which is rather depressing, but I liked almost everything about this week.

scans, trinity

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