My first Mother's Day

Oct 26, 2009 10:51

My day began waking up to a closed door and an empty spot where my hubby should have been. I smiled a knowing smile because this meant Mike had gotten up to feed the baby to let me steal some more zzz's.  I  slowly went though the morning routine and met my two loves downstairs. I greeted them and stayed to hang out with my blue while daddy went to make breakfast for me (Blueberry pancakes). He was so adorable he even got blueberry syrup and made a "N" pancake for me.
   He (Mya) gave  me a beautiful collage of photos of Mya and I together he had made. It was so thoughtful and lovely it brought a tear to my eyes. I am so deeply in love with my family and grateful for my life. I could never have thought I could have this life. We went to visit his family and spent a very sweet afternoon celebrating and exchanging gifts. We headed home after wards and spent a cozy evening home our tiny familia very content.


My flowers                                                                                                     My pretty pancakes


My collage *tears*                                                                                                                           Snuggles for My blueberry lovie

Mami and Mya               
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