The Yanko Legacy 1.2

Oct 22, 2011 10:33

We last left off with Alik turning into a toddler, and me peeing myself because I got The SIms 3 Pets!

ON with le chapter.

Demitri: Not now, the samurai is about to proclaim his love for the whore!

...Well you're no fun.

First cat of the game to appear! Cute!

Or at least is was until it started sleeping all demonically with it's eyes open.

Monika quite her job to take care of Alik, and the sports career has nothing to do with her LTW. She spends most of her time fixing things in the poorly lit bathroom.

Monika: Unclog NOW, or I will murder your first born.

Toilets don't have children hun.

Monika: Who asked you?

I got so tired of Mrs. and baby Yanko's outfits I sent them over to a neighbors to use her dresser.

Jaime: Oh god, she had a baby and got fat.

Monika: You said it wasn't noticeable D:<

Here's Alik and Monika in their new rags.

Monika: I see that your dipper is pretty big.

Demitri: Damn straight.

That's a "I think I'm getting laid." look.

Monika: And because your're such a manly man will you go fix the sink? Thanks hunny!

Demitri: 8O

And fix it he did.

Demitri: Damn device, getting in the way of sexy time with my wife.

Demitri is totally moving up the ladder and is starting to get some spiffy (yeah I said it) uniforms!
Oh and that's just Monika showing in the background, don't mind her.

Good mother of god, there are ice cream trucks??! Wicked!
Unfortunately Monika couldn't go because it was technically 'off the lot' and Alik was sleeping.

Can't stay mad at him though, just a cutie. Looks waaaay to much like his pappy if you ask me.

Monika and Alik spend all of their time together since Demitri is always at work.

Monika: Come on hunny. Can you say 'camera'?

Alik: Woman, I do not have the time for this.

Demitri got a promotion and the love shack was expanded! No more outdoor-paperboy-scarring showering!

The next day was a Saturday so Demitri watched Alik and Monika got a day to herself. We now enter
'A Day With Monika'

First things first she went for a walk and got noticed by Zelda Mae.

Zelda: Look at that rack! You should be famous!

Instant celeb points.

Next on the agenda: Fishing

Monika: All Hail Fish God.

Monika: OMG my son plays xylophone, bitches love xylophone!

Monika: You. Me. Bed. Now.

Demitri: Yes ma'am!

Demitri: That's a balloon not a condom.

Monika: Well I'm not up and going to the store right now so make it work!

Demitri: YES MA'AM!

Post love making she then ran around following a deer.

What are you doing?

Monika: Checking the paper for a pet, I want to adopt one.

Shouldn't you talk to Demitri about it first?

Monika: It's easier to ask for forgiveness then permission.

Well put.
She found some sort of pet that was up for adoption and was planning to go look the next day.

Monika: Stupid non-condom balloon.

And so concludes day out with Monika.

The next morning, while Monika was on her way to adopt a pet, I realized that subconsciously I had dressed Alik up almost exactly like Demitri.

Heh, oops.

At the Wainwrite household were the little kittens! All of which were freaking about how a dead looking Boyd was a vampire.

Kitten 1: Elmer

Kitten 2: Mittens

Kitten 3: Maya w/ mum.

Monika took to little Mittens.

Mittens wasn't having it.


Momma Cat: Too the windooooow ♫

Momma  Cat: To the Wallll ♫

Eventually I decided to get this little fur ball - Elmer.

Elmer: Party time, I'm blowing this joint first bitches!

As soon as Elmer was brought back to the Yanko household Alik threw a fit about not being the center of attention.

Demitri was still reading and couldn't care less. Books keep popping up in his inventory and I don't know where he's getting them from B0.

Demitri: SHH the whore is contemplating an abortion and I will NOT have you messing up my mindset.


Anyways back to the cat. Elmer has the traits of Hyper and Aggressive.

Sometime during all this Monika popped! So many babies....too many.

Cute. Plain and simple.

Despite Demitri being at work 8300% of the time him and Alik still have a really good relationship.

Alik: No Jimmy *sniffle* You're not to sexy for your shell.

Conner: Hey you, how could you let this happen? Half the town is running amuck in Cosby sweaters.

I don't have control over it.

Conner: Well fix it.

Monika: Hey hun?

Demitri: Yes?

Monika: I'm pregnant.

Demitri: *choke* *choke*

You's think he wouldn't be so surprised considering the lack of condom they tend to use.

These two are still all sorts of lovey dovey in case anyone was wondering.

Nice suit! Looks expensive. Even though they still can't afford a stove and live off of salad he still looks rich.

Lol Little Elmer was afraid of Monika's doggy slippers.

Monika  went into labor later at the library.

Thornton: NO! She's going to loose her amazing boobs D:

Demitri: The fuck?

Meet little Anastasiya Yanko.
This little girl is a Light Sleeper with an Evil side.

Her favorites are hip-hop, grilled salmon, and turquoise.

Elmer decided to scare the crap out of Monika after the giving of birth. Such a kind creature.

Birthday time!


And another Demitri clone. Did Monika's gene's just dissipate or something?

The next day was Alik's birthday and Demitri threw him a party. Only two invited guests showed up.

And the first thing Jamie did was flirt with Monika. And she was rejected.


The other invited guest who showed up was frugal lady, member her?

Ayesha: What'd I tell you about Monika? she had a baby and got fat. Bet you're wishing you'd taken my advice now huh.

Demitri: No actually, I love my wife very much, Jealousy isn't an attractive trait just so you know.

A party crasher came in the form of Mortimer Goth.

Cake time! No one really cared though, and Ayesha kept stealing food from the Yanko fridge.

At least Demitri was excited.

Not sure if Alik looks cute, high, or both.

Right before Alik aged up Jamie interfered making flirty eyes at Demitri.

Monika: Oh hell no.

Demitri looked so proud of his misshapen son.

Alik: I can't believe you invited a whore to my party. Great parenting dad.

Demitri: Well you had to learn about them sometime. And she reminded my of the skank from my book.

Welcome to your childhood Alik!

Alik: Voices are in my head!

Yep, everyone seems to have that reaction at first.

Alik reminded me of Barney from HIMYM, soo....I had him suit up!

Alik rolled Slob for his third trait.


In the next chapter:
Evil Child and Kitten combo.

Thanks for reading!


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