May 05, 2006 23:59
I love McSweeny's. Especially their lists---
Music Industry Trends Not Yet Overexposed
- Trance tuba
- Self-deprecating hip-hop
- Teamsta Rap
- Immature adult contemporary
- Amino acid jazz
- Despariraoke
Eleven Lunch Meats I Have Invented
- Brumschlagen
- Cran-pepper Hen Loaf
- Spiced Saucetail
- Nippleroni
- Fleen
- Taste It
- Hammed Beef
- Meatwurst
- Head Tongue
- Buffalami
- There Are Five
Acutal Responses By My Fourteen Year Old Japanese Students to the Prompt "In The Future I Want To Be..." and "Because..."
- "In the future, I want to be.... a worker because....the worker looks great."
- "In the future, I want to be... bogs because... bogs is interesting and very furry.
- "In the future, I want to egg egg."
Sexual Euphemisms That Won't Catch On
- Taking the F Train to Queens
- Trying on the sweater Nana sent you
- Paying Extra for Refills
- Deboning the salmon fillet
- Buying pants at Marshalls
Corrections I Have Had To Make to Oddly Translated Japanese Anime Scripts
- Original - "Your mind of this is like a toy."
Fix - "You've got it all wrong."
- Original - "You will laugh on me?"
Fix - "What's so funny?"
- Original - "No no no no"
Fix - "Yes yes yes yes."
Oh, Humor.