Trip Photos Part Two

Jul 23, 2007 18:47

Okay, so I meant to do this a couple days ago, but I got a killer headache after that last post and have been super busy since. So here's part two of my photos. I think there are like 19? This post is going to be Cardiff, Dublin and Kilkenny, I believe. Now,

We stayed at my cousin Aldwyn and Mary's house near Cardiff and I don't actually have any good pictures of that from this trip, since I took some cool ones before on the last trip. We did a day trip to Bath, though, and I've got a couple pics of that.

I'm really dark in this picture, but I still like it. I've been to Bath before, but it's still pretty damn neat.

We were only in Wales for three nights, so... This was an ad I saw at the airport in Cardiff. Welsh is so crazy, man. It sounds so weird when they speak it. Also, our flight was scary, 'cause we were on a propeller plane and it was windy and we didn't like that. But it ended up being super safe. The best part of the flight was at the beginning the stewardess went around handing out complimentary copies of the Irish Independent and she comes around with it and we take one look at it and see the headline "DAY OF HORRORS". There had been three awful accidents in Ireland the previous day and one of the gruesome photos on the front was of a plane crash that killed two people. THE WRECKAGE OF A PLANE was shown to us on our flight to Dublin. WTF?

This was the view from our B&B. It was pretty nice and fairly near to cool stuff. About fifteen minute walk south of St. Stephen's Green. Hey! Has anyone been there since they put in the Speeding Bullet, er I mean the Luas? That shit is hilarious.

The thrilling interior of our room.

Got two pics from the Gravity Bar at the top of the Guinness factory. I love this place.

Look familiar to anyone? I took this one while crossing the Liffey on the Ha'Penny Bridge.

The previously mentioned Ha'Penny Bridge.

Henry Street in Dublin. A place I didn't get to go to last time I was there due to heinous cramps, uhm, cramping my style last time.

Probably the coolest thing we did in Dublin was seeing the old jail at Kilmainham. It was such a great tour and was so affordable at the student rate! I love student rates in Europe; they actually give you a meaningful discount. This picture is through a peephole of the room inside. Very creepy and dark.

All I have to say about this picture: Shake! Shake!

Shawna (who is a rather small person) inside one of the rooms there for scale. They said they were built for one person only, but often there were multiple people in a room due to overcrowding.

Day trip to Malahide via the DART. The castle was cool, but it was raining all day and cold and windy and the weather kind of ruined our outdoor adventures.

These were the castle grounds that wound around for ages. It was gorgeous and the sound of the wind in the trees is one of my favorite things. Mmm. (That said, I can see why Adam left, since Malahide? Pretty quite. Heh.)

Then we took a bus to Kilkenny where we had a really nice room. I know it looks a lot like the last B&B, but this one was actually really large and adorable and clean.

Me at the castle at Kilkenny. Very cool tour but not as cool as the jail in Dublin.

And you have to take one of those Myspace, armstretch pictures in front of a castle. It's so... anachronistic or something.

Kilkenny was cute, but you kinda had to be there. After two nights we took a bus to Galway, which I'll put in the next post. This picture was taken on the bus, 'cause it's so... Emerald Isle or something. We were looking out the window and were truly like, "Wow, we're SO in Ireland." Heh.

I promise to post the rest tonight or tomorrow. I don't want to leave it any longer, I swear. How's everyone?

ireland, pics, travel

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