I've really got to cut out this posting a lot thing. I'm annoying even me. But I couldn't help it. There were two things at the same Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf kiosk in the Santa Anita mall on Monday that made me fear for the English language as well as the IQ of Americans. Take a looksee...
And then one more that I took tonight, because the sunset from my room is smoggy but pretty.
So, yeah. I registered for classes today. Only taking three this time, because that's all I have left before I graduate. YEAH! Woo! So I'm taking Britain from Tudor to Stewart Times (1485-1715), Survey of the Middle East 1700-present, and the History of Modern France (1871-present). Oddly, it let me register for 12 units and not 10 as should be in the first pass. (You register for ten in the first pass, tops, then the rest in your second pass a week later.) So I have all my classes unless they randomly decide to take one away (and with UCLA, you never know...). Uhm, that's it.