Most random post ever, I think.

Feb 15, 2007 20:07

Okay, so I've a couple things to cover. First of all, I think I promised Ally or Tania the pictures from my book on Hitler for my fascism seminar. So behind this cut are two pictures of Hitler; one of him in leiderhosen (yes, SHORTS!), the other of him feeding deer. They're both just so freaking weird, they need to be seen to be believed, I think. Every sane person knows that he was evil, so I think a touch of mocking him is a good thing, because it's the last thing he would have wanted. Yeah? Anyway,

Next thing is that I have been noticing how freaking gorgeous UCLA is at twilight, so I took two pictures tonight on the way to dinner. Those are

This is the one where they did stuff for Buffy a lot. Also where that taser thing happened last quarter.

Lastly, I guess a general update. Class is going okay, actually. Reading isn't quite as overwhelming as it was at the beginning of the quarter, but I'm sure it's a lull before the storm. LJ's been pissing me off with it's dumb not working right thing. And... I'm sick of college students. They are dumb, no matter how smart they are. But generally I'm in a good mood. Busy but fun weekend coming up. Three day weekend, too! Yay! Hope everyone's doing well. Let me know what's up.

Oh. I have a few links that might amuse. Here is a site that has uploads of Clarissa Explains it all, Alex Mack, Are You Afraid of the Dark and others. Fun! This is a supposed "LSD Simulator". I haven't tried it, but it sounds dumb enough for me to give a go when I have an empty half hour. And last, but not least, the stick figures in peril flickr pool is pretty hilarious. The comments make it, man.

hitler, random, funny, ucla, pics

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