Jul 19, 2006 14:04
I originally made this a private post just to see what the list looked like, but then I had some thoughts that made me laugh (I'm probably the only one, though) and thought I'd share. It's that friends list meme thing where you bold those you've met and italicize those you've spoken on the phone to. I deleted dupicate journals, but... look how cute and small my flist is! I like the percentage here of who I've met and spoken to; I don't think I'd like an flist I wasn't close with.
Uhm, anyway, Barb, I counted you because you counted me. I only left a couple voicemails, but still. Frog and Izzy... well, I never spoke TO you on the phone, but sort of. Does it count? Who cares, I italicized it!
Again, look how tiny she is (yes, my flist is a woman):
_penguinstyle, achtung_meggie, brunerhyme, dqfriends, frog4, grammaravenger, izzybeth, la_woman, ladylardence, lardencelover, leelee_cakes, mandamanda, melissa2u, momslice, nini_darko, nosferatuvoice, occula, packt, pilot_pyro007, playingthetart, rhythmsextion, shihadchick, shinelikeaspoon, spicedrum, stateless, tapisvolant, tehlils, tenar, vash_the_steve, wootsauce, zilxy
P.S. Don't get used to this posting daily thing. Though now it means that Ally is behind me. Haha.
P.P.S. Also, how weird is it that three of the people I bolded's names are Amanda? Weird, anyone? I have four Amanda's on there, too.
friends list