Jun 05, 2012 17:06

Feast your eyes on some terrible flag animation.

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If I ever hear that video games cannot be art, I will sit them down and make them watch the trailer for Journey. I have never cried while playing a video game (unless tears of laughter from Monkey Island counts… but that didn’t happen either), and I was in tears at the end of this game. The atmosphere, the design, the colors, the music… THE MUSIC. I may have made my iTunes “accidentally” stuck on this song all day:

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And this one:

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It’s a simple game. You’re a little robed dude running through the desert and your goal is to reach this mountain. You unlock these ribbon creatures and the longer your scarf grows, the longer you’re able to fly. Along the way, you bump into companions who are other players and you help each other out. Give each other power boosts. You don’t know who they are till you beat the game and you can’t talk to them except for singing your single note. That’s such a shit explanation, so here’s the Wikipedia article.

If you have a PS3, you can download and play for $15 on the PSN, which is sadly the only place it’s available. But it’s sooooo worth it.


video games, animation, fanart

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