
Apr 20, 2011 17:06

I have been in a Mood for a couple of weeks now and I don’t know what has started it. I’ve been snappish and grumpy and taking it out on anyone who is near me and they don’t deserve it at all. Everything and everyone is just setting my nerves on edge and I’m annoyed at any little thing. I’m slightly stressed out trying to accomplish all the projects I’ve got at the moment and for the next few months plus trying to maintain something resembling a life. I’ve been quiet this past week simply because there is nothing to talk about. I’m disgusted how easily snarky I’ve become and I’m trying to keep it all to myself rather than lash out. Despite my one lone doodle of 2011, my creativity (drawing-wise) is still rather dead.

Anyway, I’m hoping that this weekend will change things around. My beloved elrina753 is coming up to see me, we’re going on Adventures, and we’ll have new Who to make us giddy.

To cheer myself up, I jumped at the chance to see Craig Ferguson in Boston this summer.

In lighter news, I watched this gem of a movie last night:

image Click to view

(Don't let the freeze frame above fool you, there is nothing all that risque about the movie).

Apparently, there’s a Rifftrax version but we watched the raw version. If you’re a fan of Terrible Movies, it’s a must-see. It has freshman student film written all over it. It makes The Room look Oscar-worthy.

And to get my motivated to write more, is there any subject matter that can give my two cents on? I’m not the most eloquent (at all) of writers, but the only topics I have tumbling in my brain at the moment have to do with food and body issues, which are slightly tough for me to write about.

grump, real life

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