And these wars, they can't be won

Sep 21, 2009 12:08

Thanks to bigbetterirish being too popular and overbooking himself, macbeemer, valmont_god, madkrazyghetto and I are going to this. We have confirmation that Nathan Fillion is currently in NYC at the moment, but stupid NPH did the stupid Emmys last night all the way in stupid LA, so I doubt he'll show up.

OMG Mad Men last night. OMG. I was like this O___O

And like the fool that I am, I started watching Supernatural because I feel like I've run out of stuff to watch as I work. It's alright so far. I'm only a little bit past halfway through the first season (just finished 1x13, so no spoilers). There's a definite X-Files vibe to it, which I dig. Didn't Kim Manners work on this show before he passed away?

Watched the Emmys last night. I quite enjoyed how the writers' categories were presented, especially Conan's writers and him ignoring their friend request on Facebook. Also painted Ten's nesting doll as I watched and EEK. I can't wait to finish this series of dolls. And this is the only time I will ever think "OMG Ten is so fat!"

You know, I'm not the only one saying this, but the new Muse album sounds ridiculously like Queen.

fanart, tv, real life

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