I propose a proposition.

Apr 02, 2009 17:31

My paid LJ account expires in a week. It was a gift last year, and I *REALLY* like having a paid account. Such a bad, bad girl. I just can’t begin to even think about spending money on LJ at the moment.

So I’m proposing a sort of trade. I’d be willing to draw up to three characters of your choice for a year’s worth of paid account plus extra userpics.

Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Just some straight up characters, simple backgrounds, and kept in the PGish category.

I feel super pathetic even proposing such a trade, but… well, there you go.

(I realize I owe two other people doodles from that request I made ages back. I will eventually get to them! I’m just slightly busy at the moment.)

real life, lj

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