I've got horses and dogs and cats and BLUE PEOPLE.

Sep 23, 2007 04:09

I watched Across the Universe last night with my lovely ladies. After having listened to the soundtrack for the entire day before I had actually seen the movie (not always the smartest move), I kept thinking to myself that if the movie sucked, at least the soundtrack was full of awesome. There’s a whole ordeal in getting the deluxe one that I won’t get into, but that was ten kinds of adventure there.

So the movie. I will say that since I kept telling myself the movie would disappoint me, it was actually a lot better than I had been expecting it to be! The introduction of the characters could have been not as jumpy. More and more people were introduced, but most of the time, it would come out of nowhere.

But the use of Beatles songs combined with visuals was fun and entertaining (most of the time). At the beginning, the musical numbers were plain and normal. But once they started going to New York, that’s where the fun visuals started kicking in. Half of me wanted the quirkiness to start earlier so it wasn’t as jarring when one would turn up (say, for example, the camera going down the middle of a stairwell). But then again, I liked that it kept only to when they were in that hippie drop-out point.

By the way, seeing this movie in New York made everything ten times better. I mean, it would have been funny for anyone not in New York in certain scenes, but oh man. There's this one bit where Max and Jude are talking about their new apartment and Max is like "Yeah, man, but LOOK AT THE VIEW." And all you see is another brick building with a guy hanging out the window, smoking a cigarette.

Let it be known that “Let It Be” needs to be sung more often with a gospel choir. I had a hard enough time sitting on the subway yesterday morning, listening to it on my iPod (which I left at work ARRRRRGH) and not losing it in public. But when I saw it on the screen with the little boy in the coffin… oh, there was almost some tear spillage.

“Being For the Benefit of Mr. Kite” was on CRACK. Eddie Izzard was on CRACK. There were REAL LIVE BLUE MEANIES.

I love the choreography in “I Want You (She’s So Heavy)”, especially the awkward examination dance sequence.

I can’t stop singing “Dear Prudence”. If you’ve been hit by a lyrics drive by, apologies. It’s most likely to happen again.

I liked bits of how they incorporate portions of the song. In “Hey Jude”, there’s that bit during the ”Na Na Na’s” where Paul is like “JUDE-AY JUDE-AY JUDE-AY JUDE-AY JUDE-AY OWWWW WOW-WOW!!!” In the movie, Max is flipping out, calling out for Jude and so happy that he’s back.

Of course, there was some overkill with the special effects. I think it was the whole scene during “I Am The Walrus”, complete with Unexpected!Bono where it was inversed but rainbowy as well. DIED.


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