Yesterday I couldn't be pleasantly surprised. Today I can't be disappointed.

Apr 14, 2007 10:46

Seems like no one was on board with my optimism yesterday, and I'm starting to realize why.

Last weekend I finally picked up a base set of Munchkin to go with the expansions Little Brother got me for Christmas. It was the Cthulhu flavor, since I thought qarylla said she'd be willing to play that version. Last night instead of BESM Heroes, we played that, because there was a possibility people were going clubbing afterwards. Well, the game itself was okay, though we didn't finished (I was tied for the lead at level 7). And qarylla was miserable the entire night. And is, I think, still annoyed with me for thinking she'd enjoy it.

This morning I set out to try to fix one unimaginable problem in my life: that only one album of my Japanese music was in the MP3 player. Obviously, I should have bought an iPod instead of the Sansa e-whatever I have. Rhapsody, the only program that talks to it, refuses to acknowledge that the Japanese language exists. I can convince it to take the songs as long as the folder and title are 100% English characters, though the ones I manage to force in still appear in Rhapsody as "?????????????????vol.3 ??????????". The next step is to change the filenames; I wonder if I actually need to translate them, or if the title will appear "correctly" even if I name the file something like IHATETHISSTUPIDPROGRAM.mp3. And then I get to sync the MP3 player and see if it knows that there is more than one alphabet in the universe.

I'd like to get back to my exercise program (and get Maya's yelling at me out of the way), but I don't think I'm far enough on the healthy side of the Still Plague to get through a set of jumping jacks without trying to expel my lungs. If this continues like my illnesses usually do, I'm done with the misery portion, but I will be vaguely sick and annoyed for another three weeks.

Saru-chan, are you trying to eat the router?

I have a lonely afetrnoon of cleaning and watching hockey ahead of me. Not the worst thing in the world, I suppose.

music, games, exercise

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