Lessons Learnt from Cafe World

Oct 21, 2009 17:51

LOL... I am currently addicted to Cafe World on Facebook!

But there are valuable life lessons I have learnt from playing the game.

Lesson 1: Learn from your mistakes
I made a lot of mistakes initially, such as leaving my food on the stove too long and arranging my furnitures in weird configurations that the waiter is unable to serve the food to the customers. Then I get better learning from my mistakes. I guess in life, we all gain experience learning from mistakes.

Lesson 2: Function is better than form
I got so carried away decorating my cafe that I ended up not having enough money to cook the dishes. I discovered that customers come when you have food to serve, not because your cafe looks nice. Subsequently, I pay more attention to my cooking schedules rather than playing with decor.

Lesson 3: Back to basics
When my menu expanded, I realised that no matter how many new dishes I can cook, the one that is going to get me the most returns in terms cafe experience points is the plain old bacon cheeseburger. I guess the saying goes that the simplest dish requires the most experience to do it well.

Lesson 4: Go with the flow
When I became addicted to the game, I discovered that I became very good at planning my schedule around the cooking time. In fact, I became super-productive during the waiting times because I know I need to finish what I am doing to rush back to serve the food!

If you play Cafe World like I do, what are some of the lessons you've learnt?

media junkie

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