An Iconic Moment - 1 January 1990

Sep 05, 2009 00:30

I listen to YES 933 radio station when I drive. My favourite DJs currently include 丁志勇 and 周重庆.

I remember some 19 years back when the station first started, I was glued to my radio from 9 am, setting my radio dial to FM 93.3 and waiting for the first sound to be aired from the station. I remembered the radio was the box type, something like this...

I also remembered the iconic moment was 9.33 am when the station first started airing. In those days, I would try to use a blank cassette tape to record my favourite songs, hoping that the DJ would not speak at the introduction and ending of the song so I can get a good record of the entire song without any extra voice. Mostly I would fail to get a good recording even though FM 93.3 was a station that promised the audience "歌多话少,不受干扰". Nowadays, very few people use cassette anymore, and you can hardly find a radio with a cassette deck.

Today, the station has come a long way to be the most listened Chinese station in Singapore and I look forward to their 20th year celebration next year!

last time

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