Fandom again...

Apr 06, 2010 21:44

Strangely, I don't feel anything when reading that the new single will be without Jin. I just have a hard time deciding which one to order... since this time there's no Kame solo, there's no obvious choice for me. O.o

I don't hate Jin, aren't even angry with him anymore, I do understand he wants to chase his dream. Fine, I'll buy that. But it's more like I don't care anymore. It's easier that way. Why should I carry hard feelings towards someone who wants to fullfill his dream (even though he might hurt people along his way), but who am I to deem him? After all, he's only an idol, to me he isn't irreplaceable, so I don't think I will weep too long. Besides, I started liking KAT-TUN because I liked Kame, so to me, Kame is the important "pillar" for me to continue supporting KAT-TUN, Jin's not (even though he's a big part).

I wish Jin all luck in LA, but I know I won't put time for his solo stuff, because I'm not interested enough in it. I think he's handsome and he is good at dancing, but sorry, I don't think he's particularly more talented than the others and his English doesn't impress me, especially not his English lyrics and I definitely don't think "he's the only one that would stand a chance in America because the others' English sucks". Jin can do whatever he wants; I don't really care, but yeah, no hard feelings. Though I wish I could ignore some of the fans as easily... T_T

By the way, what kind of TV show is Going!? And don't they have a theme song already?


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