[US trip] 2. The Arches National Park

Jul 13, 2009 20:13

The Arches

You see it in the landscape that you're getting closer to the Arches National Park in Utah. I think this scenery is really amazing.

After a good night sleep at the El Palomino Motel...

... we left Colorado for Utah...

... going into the desert.

Heading towards Moab.

Sun coming through clouds.

Just a short off-topic advertisement for my new camera, a Canon Ixus 95 IS Digital Compact Camera. Thanks to this toy, I could take very nice pictures from a fastdriving, moving car. Despite my shaking hand and the bumps on the road the camera still took quite clear pictures and I really love it. Not to mention it is slim and light, fits perfect in the hand. The only thing I'm a bit disappointed in is that I wanted a green or blue camera, but well, well... you can't get everything.

The windscreen of Scott's car is a bit scar-y.

If you use your imagination a bit, you can see quite a lot of things in the rocks...

A lion outside his cave...?

The window sections.

Like an eye. This really reminds me of René Magritte's paintings (not only this picture but a lot of the sceneries). Don't you think?

A fearful climbing. ^^;

Delicate Arch.

Before we headed towards our next destination we stopped by at Buck's Grill House so that we could have some food. I had a Buffalo Burger for $10.

To be honest, I've tasted better ones, but still... it's buffalo! ^^

Go to the next part - Grand Canyon

trip, food, pictures

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